Where patients are family
Where patients are family
I enjoy dentistry. It is wonderful to provide dental services to those around me. I love the fact that I can take time to visit with each of our patients in the office and create friendships that we value. Our motto, “Where patients are family” is truly how we feel. My team and I employ humor and skilled hands to make each visit a good experience.
Dr. Andrew Sperle has been a member of the dental community for 29 years. His life has been enriched here in the Colorado Springs area over the last 26 years. His gentle, caring, and listening attitude stems from a life of service-first as a missionary for 2 years and continuing in his church service in this community. After dental school Dr. Sperle joined the US Air Force where he did a residency and worked as a dentist with our active duty service members. He has continued this service in private practice where he does dental evaluations for our veterans who are applying for disability and/or compensation as a dental examiner for VES Services. In 2019, Dr. Sperle was appointed to the Veterans Evaluation Services Medical Advisory Board where he helps to train new examiners and acts as the consultant for all dental services. Dr. Sperle has also been involved with the Boy Scouts of America as a scout and volunteer leader for 40 years, putting into action those standards exemplified by scouting. A native of Wisconsin, Dr. Sperle still owes his football allegiances to the Green Bay Packers, but has been won over by hometown favorites like the Nuggets and Rockies. He and his wife Lisa are the proud parents of 4 children and 1 grandson.